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Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Happy New Year!

Hi All!  Typically I wait for the weekend to Blog about our progress for the week, but this week I couldn't wait any longer!  We truly had some exciting things happening!   I also have fun announcements about our after school club and PE!  

First off our K-2 kids were hard at work on weaving!  This project focused on different types of pattern (our first peek at the principals of design), but also allowed us to talk about the job of an artist.  All of our grades have been working to define art this week and this group determined that an Artist is someone who tells a story or expresses their feelings with art.  We talked about our artist of the month, Mark Rothko and his work in art that expresses a feeling and then moved on to being artists telling a story.  Students used their woven paper blankets to create a story about bedtime!  They added portraits and other things to help tell their story!  At the end of class each "artist" got to share with the class!

3rd-6th grade also had a fun week!  It was trading card week for us!  Students learned about the art of Mark Rothko along with abstract expressionism and a dash of color theory!  Students took what they learned and made amazing mini Rothko's in the form of trading cards!  For this project we used washable markers, spray bottles of water and salt to create a really cool effect!  Students then got to name their pieces and we lined all the cards up and did a big LEA trade!  It was so neat to see how many students chose their siblings art with out even knowing!  This was a blast and we are hoping to find a local and out of state school to do future trades with!  

In other news...PHOTOGRAPHY CLUB!  8 super awesome students have been joining me every Wednesday night to learn more about photography!  So far we have worked on holding the camera properly and getting neat angles on all your shots!  This week we are going to start a little work on portraits!  Keep an eye out, these students will be helping out with our yearbook this year!

And last but not least!  I just want to send a shout out to the kids!  You guys are amazing!  I could not teach a more awesome bunch!  These students worked together over the past couple months and helped me win an amazing Fitness Grant to help our school add some new equipment!  We beat out much larger schools and the kids did it with out batting an eye!  So....THANK YOU kids!  

Alright here's the art!


Next week we are starting Valentines Day projects!  Older students have already started creating awesome marbled paper to work with!  Ask them about it!