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Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Paper Cranes and Coloring Contests!

Just a quick post to tell you about some interesting things going on in the Specials Dept!  Yup!  That's me!  An entire!  Fancy!  Anyhow, if you have noticed paper Cranes abounding, do not fear your child has not been secretly crafting these inside their desks during math (not that anyone would EVER do that...I don't know where I would get that idea from...).  Students have been earning these in PE!  We did a brief origami unit in art around Christmas time, and during this time I discovered the kids facination with anything folded paper!  We talked about the Crane being a symbol of unity because Crane's as a species pair up for life. Back in the begininng times of origami in China the rich would make paper cranes for wedding gifts.  It occured to me in PE one day that if there was one thing I would want kids to leave with from elementary PE it would the concept of teamwork, and sportsmanship.  Unity.  A feeling that you can have fun and get fit with out any worries at all about being part of the group. With that, all good lessons need a good incentive, and so the Crane Award is born!  I started a little reluctantly giving out a couple Cranes to my 3rd graders and they LOVED it!  They cheered for the recipients and everything! Then 4-6th started asking about the Cranes!  Now they have really taken off!  I am thrilled to tie specials together and better yet have the kids feeling like an important part of a team!  So there you have it!  Good old Origami in PE.  Oh Mrs. Krug....

Also, you may have had rumors of worksheets being done for art this past week.  It is true, I had to report to Jury Duty and left behind a Jim Dine series coloring contest!  The kids love these!  Next week we will judge them in class!  So excited to see what they remembered about POP art!  And we are on to Valentines Day projects!  

Coming soon....Mothers Day Fundraiser!  Your kids are creating art for jewelry that you can buy to help our class earn some clay!  

Want to help our class out another way?  We could really use a new stash of ultra fine tip black sharpies and baby wipes!  If anyone runs into a great sale and would like to contribute send them in with your student!  Thanks so much for all of your support as always!