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Friday, August 9, 2013

A Fan-Stache-Tic first week!

Sooo....did your artists come busting in the door after their first day and tell you all about the amazing art room this year?!  I went with a mustache theme after spending the summer doing summer camp I realized that nothing is "cool" unless it has a 'stache.  We  have a "candy 'stache" this year to reward the artists of the day, a fan-stache-tic art class contest, a "Art 'Stache" to earn super fun supplies from, and a gallery of mustached portraits through out history!  So far we have had a blast just with the room itself!  

Alright, we DID do actual art this week too!  This week we used all "DRY" supplies while we got to know each other.  We created envelopes for the students to keep their daVinci Dollars in (ask them!).  We read "The Dot" by Peter             and talked about the importance of working on their own papers and using their own ideas.  The kids learned all about being unique by looking at art work in history of Hearts and Trees.  I also challenged my older students this week with a mono-chromatic self portrait!  Using just one single color has proved to be a challenge, but I cannot wait to display these at this years art show!  Our younger artists reviewed some of the skills that we used last year.  We learned a gluing song that helps us remember why a glob is not a great way to go, and got ready to work on the cut paper portraits that we are going to do this week!  My kindergartners are getting ready to work in centers next week all about primary colors and we are really going to focus in on our cutting skills.  If you have a kindergartner, encourage them to draw large shapes and cut them out or even use an old magazine to let them cut out the pictures that interest them.  Letting younger guys and gals use scissors can be a little scary to watch but it is so good for their little hands and it will help them with their handwriting through out kinder and first grade!  

Please keep an eye out for information on Photography Club coming soon and keep us in mind when those back to school supply sales hit!  We can always use art supplies, craft goodies, and even wipes to help us clean up!  

No art pictures for you just yet, but here is a peek at our amazing classroom this year!  

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