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Sunday, September 1, 2013

It's all about perspective...

This week flew by and the kids must have heard some where that there was a three day weekend on the horizon!  It was a crazy week!  Despite all of the excitement, we covered a lot of ground this week!

Kindergarten got to read Mouse Paint and we are creating our own palate while working on mixing our primary colors to make secondary colors!  1st and 2nd grades are working on a portrait all about mixed media, secondary colors and their favorite number!  We are talking about the art of Jasper Johns and even got to do some marble painting!  3rd grade is learning perspective by creating landscapes that we will add a tree weaving to when we finish.  4th, 5th and 6th grade are all working on Tessellations and studying the art of M.C. Escher.  They seem to be really amazed that these cool patterns are math AND art!  We are creating our own tessellation background for photographic self portraits.  Pretty cool stuff.

Here is some of the stuff that we had been wrapping up from last week!  Kindergarten did these portraits based on ABC I Like Me, and 6th grade finished up reptile art work that focused on using pastels and geometric and organic shapes!

OH!  Last but not least!  The artist of the month for September is JASPER JOHNS!!

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