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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hi Class!

Students and parents!  Thank you so much for having me as your Art Teacher!  I am so excited to start this new journey with Leading Edge Academy! 

 A little about me?  I am a mom of 2 beautiful girls.  My kindergartner is a student at Leading Edge Academy.  My other daughter is just 3 months old.  My husband is local business owner (a motorcycle mechanic at Medusa Cycles).  I completed my BFA in Illustration and Drawing in Buffalo, NY and moved here to Arizona (escaping the nightmare winters) shortly there after.  Although my passion was art and children's art specifically I found myself providing for my family in a banking job.  Although I have enjoyed learning the banking industry and my co-workers over the years, I am so excited to have to opportunity to share my true love with your kids!  This really is a dream come true for me!

What can you expect?  I have so many exciting projects planned as well as ideas for growing art in your homes and in school down the road!  Please keep an eye out for posts of student art work each time we complete a section as well as a Art Smarties of the week!  Parents, please check back often to keep up to date on what your student is up to in art class, no doubt they will be excited to discuss it with you!  And please, feel free to drop me a note any time at jkrug@leading  I would love to hear what you think of their work!  Students, get excited!  There are so many fun things to come! 

Finally, if you are willing to donate any supplies or items that we need for projects please let me know and I will provide you with a list you can choose from.  Also, if you have any local artist friends we would love to have a guest speaker, gallery show or a even the possibility of field trip down the road! Just drop me an email!  

1 comment:

  1. We are so excited to have you at LEA. My kid is chomping at the bit to be back in art class. :-)
