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Saturday, January 26, 2013


Being that I am a new teacher new mid-year, I thought that I would post my own Art Class rules!  ...Don't worry, they aren't too bad!  There aren't a ton either but it is possible that as I get settled more may develop based on necessity, but for now...Heads up, here is what I expect!

  1.  Have FUN!  Don't Stress!  This is ART Class!
  2.  Do your best work.
  3.  It is ok not to like your art, but keep working you may change your mind.
  4.  You can talk all that you like while you work, just not while I am talking.  Please stay in your seat and use your indoor voice. 
  5.  When the lights go out, listen up!  It is either time to clean up, time to listen for more instructions, or someone just did something totally AWESOME that I want to share with you!  
  6. Please enter and leave my class quietly. 
  7.  Be respectful of materials, your friends and your sweet art teacher.  (And remember...we only draw on our own papers!)

Each class period I will choose an Art Smarty or a Super Helper to reward you for your hard work!  I also will be having a class competition through the year.  Each class will get a sticker on their chart for a productive and great class, the class with the most stickers at the end of the year will get a special treat on their last day of class!

Not too bad right?  Now let's get down to ART!!

1 comment:

  1. I would add one. You can not cut hair unless you have a hair license.
