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Thursday, February 7, 2013

My first week was...

"We love ART because..." Project

 Amazing!!!  Teaching your students was so much more rewarding than I ever anticipated!  They are bright, creative and enthusiastic!  At East Mesa this week we worked on "We love ART because..." where the students and I got acquainted with name cards.  Each student created a table tent style name card that included their name and was illustrated with the reason they love art!  It was really great to see what they love to do so that I can plan going forward.  I also got to see what level artists I was working with (awesome, by the way!).  These projects will come home soon, but I want to be sure that I have a few more names under my belt before I let them go!  Also at East Mesa we began a study on negative and positive space with my K-2 classes.  The students each drew a heart and masked it off with artists tape,  (which was quite a bit of ripping and sticking for my young students) and as I expected they did great!  This week we will paint the remaining paper using lots of texture and then remove the tape to see the positive and negative space we created!  My 3-6 grade students are learning about Jim Dine and his heart series (notice a Valentine's day trend?!).  We talked about Pop Art, Jim Dine and worked with primary colors and texture as we work towards a 2 heart series of our own!  I cant wait to post some of these for you to see!  

I finished up my week at the Maricopa campus, and boy did I make more than a few new friends there!  At LEA Maricopa, my students also started out our time together working on name cards for their desks!  They also answered the question "I love ART because..."  On Thursday we began a new project also on Jim Dine focused around the upcoming Valentine's Day.  Students K-2 worked with oil crayons in primary colors to create a heart/s to be mounted on black paper.  We discussed primary and secondary colors.  My students 3-5 worked on hearts as well.  I also introduced them to the work of Jim Dine, famous Pop Artist of the late 50's.  During this project we discussed color, what a series is as well as gave examples of Pop Art!  They will be finishing up their projects by mounting multiple hearts in oil crayon on paper to create their own series on Wednesday of next week.  I cant wait to see how they all come out!  Their hearts were just awesome!  
Check back to see pictures!

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