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Friday, November 8, 2013

Flexibility is Key!

This week Mrs. Krug got a valuable lesson in flexibility!  While my dream is to spend 4-5 full days a week teaching kids art, this year I was asked to branch out.  I am officially now the LEA E. Mesa Specials teacher and was excited to offer the kids not only art this week but PE and Music!  That being said, it has definitely been a bit of a gear changer so this week I don't have any student art pictures.  Most classes brought home something to show you this week though, so I am hoping that will tide everyone over!

In art this week students competed in a Georgia O'Keeffe coloring contest!  Remember those!  I used to love coloring contests so I went old school this week and brought them back on a day I had to be out for an amazing conference put on by Harry Wong (teacher celeb!) on classroom management!  The kids blew me away and I had to have help choosing winners!

Students are also competing in a contest put on by the Phoenix Symphony this week and in the coming weeks.  At the end of the year the students will have the opportunity to visit the Symphony and we received information on an art contest tied to that!  The students were asked to listen to the theme from Jurassic Park's The Lost World (by John Williams) and paint their feelings on math and music!  Some neat things are coming soon for this one!

Also coming soon!  Be sure to stop into the Fellowship Hall after our Holiday Program for a little art show!  I can't wait to show off some very special art work! ...and get to meet the families behind these awesome students that I have grown so attached to!

Here is a little tid bit of John Willimas the composer that we are listening to in art class just for fun!  Recognize any of these songs!?

Also just ran across this article about the Georgia O'Keeffe exhibit in my hometown art gallery!  Amazing to see what some fine art can do for a small community economy!

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