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Saturday, October 26, 2013

Georgia O'Keeffe vs. Fall

Going into this week I wasn't so sure about how I was going to tie Georgia O'Keeffe to our fall texture and shape lessons, but I think you will see below the kids took everything I gave them and ran with it!  Their projects came out amazing!

Kinder worked on texture in this lesson and created owls that had both visual and physical texture.  They used all sorts of things to complete this project and we had to do many steps, but they were with me every step of the way and their work speaks for itself!

First and Second Grade bowled me over this week with their owl projects!  We talked about how artists have many jobs in the community but one is to use their art to teach people illustrators.  The students learned about studying your subject before setting out to work!  We watched several awesome videos about owls and then used our knowledge of shape to draw our owls.  In this project the kids got to learn about using pastels and layering them to create visual texture!

Third, Fourth, and Fifth Grades all worked on larger than life Indian Corn in the style of Georgia O'Keeffe this week.  We talked about abstract art and how you can increase the size of the object on the page to have it make a greater impact on the viewer.

6th Grade learned more about perspective this week when they created 1 point perspective letters!  I am pretty sure that although they would never admit it to me that they loved this project.  I have even seen them doodling these awesome blocky letters here and there over the past week!

Check it out!

 First and Second Grade Owls

 Kindergarten Texture Owls

 Sixth Grade Perspective Letters

 Third, Fourth and Fifth Grade Georgia O'Keeffe Indian Corn Paintings

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