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Sunday, March 31, 2013

Art feelings continued~

The Rinoceros by Albrecht Durer

This week was a continuation of last where we discussed the other half of texture.  Texture that you can only feel with your eyes!  Students looked at Albrecht Durer a Renaissance painter and engraver that focused on intense detail.  We talked about why printing, engraving and extreme visual texture might have been important during the Renaissance.  We also discussed the making of the dollar bill!  Each one is actually printed by engraving the textured detailed image onto a bed that is rolled with ink.  Each set of bills is pressed onto the bed so hard that it leaves having both a visual and physical texture.  A great way for students to see an art related process at work in their every day world!

Similar to last post, here is a list of what each grade and school completed!
East Mesa K-2:  Stamp making and printing
East Mesa 3-6:  Engravings and printing
Maricopa K-2:  Stamp making and printing
Maricopa 3-5:  Engraving and Stamp making, printing to come
Maricopa 6:  Op Art using color
Maricopa Adv:  Drawing realistic fur to help complete Mascot projects

I can't forget to mention that my younger students also looked at The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle to see textures that start out physical but become visual once they are printed!  They love this book!!!

Here is what we were up to this week!

Albrecht Durer

"Making" Money


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