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Saturday, March 2, 2013

Links..including a great Dr. Seuss Interactive Site!

Lately, I have been encouraging your children to keep checking up on this site because I will be adding art work each time that could be theirs.  I have also offered character bucks to any student that can "prove" their visit to me by coming in with a little info off the site.  The more that I have thought about this site I want to gear it a little more towards the students than I have been.  I hope you will as well.  Please, if you see art work you love, compliment the students in the comments!  Remember there is very little space on either campus for me to display student work for students, parents and teachers to see so I know they would love seeing that you are viewing it here!  As my part of the bargain   I will be including more links to artwork and information on each artist for the students to be able to check out!  

That said, here are links to Jim Dine, Salvador Dali, and Ralph Steadman!

Salvador Dali Interview

Jim Dine (Gallery Installation)...and YES he is still alive ;)

Ralph Steadman (Alice In Wonderland)

Dr. Seuss (Super fun interactive site!)

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