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Friday, March 29, 2013

The scoop on NSO...

So what is NSO, you ask?!  

N= needs improvement
S= Satisfactory
O (or M)=Outstanding/Mastery

Being that grades just came out and we are starting a new marking period I thought I would take a second to fill parents and review with students on how I come to grade students in my art class.  

First, I am the NEW art teacher at LEA! Students, you got a completely fresh start!  And there is a full quarter left that we will continue getting to know each other!

Secondly, across the boards, elementary and middle school...and even high school levels of  art, grading is based on classroom behaviors, effort, and participation rather than artistic talent.  While I would love to encourage a very talented student with a nice big Outstanding on their report card, I have to encourage all students who enter my room the same way.  Artists of all abilities have the same shot in my classroom!

So...that said, I have told each of my classes (excluding my k-2 kiddo's) that their grades are based on the following:
Am I listening?
Am I participating?
Am I trying my best?
Am I completing my projects?

Many students have also asked if I grade individual projects.  I do not.  I feel that it is important to look for the above items as students work on each project, and I don't want any student to feel I am grading how correct their project is.  I assure them that if they can answer YES to each of the questions above each time they enter the art room they will excel!

Finally, I will be honest...I hate NSO.  I especially hate S!  Parents and students please know I only have 3 options so many students fall into the S category.  This doesn't mean that you aren't an amazing artist!  This just means that I see that you are doing just exactly what you should be doing in my room.  S's are good!  I wish it was a G...  On the other hand if you are receiving N's, look at the questions above and see if there is an area that we need to work harder in.  O's...oh the coveted O's!  O's are for the students that are going above and beyond in class.  They are my students that are eager to help, answer questions and even those who encourage their classmates and who go the extra mile in my room and on their projects.  These aren't always the best artists..(but they have the best chance to become them!)  

That said, please feel free to email me with any questions at  I would love to discuss your students potential and I am even open to hearing how I might better inspire them to get creative and love art class!

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